연락처 TEL TEL : (+82)02-3284-1155~60
The Basis of Establishment
- The Association was formed as a statutory organization under Article 50 of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry
Main Function
- Research/study on the laws. Rules and regulations pertaining to the facilities maintenance construction industrial business and recommend for improvement thereof to the government.
- Encourage Research/study and guidance on the matters concerning the promotion of maintenance construction business, rationalization of business management.
- Excution of projects commissioned by government.
- Research/study on the expansion measures of the overseas.
- Support the technology for improve the facilities maintenance.
- Statistical survey on the facilities maintenance construction industry.
- Education for promote the technical expert.
- Research/study for the promotion of the facilities maintenance construction industry and the welfare for the member constructors.
- Promotion of international cooperation and partnership with foreign contractors and international organization related to facilities maintenance construction industry.